GDS "PLAST-BK" expendable borehole pressure generators
Gas-dynamic fracturing technology with the use of a pressure generator means creaon of excess pressure in a well by the impact on a producve formaon with combuson products of gas-generang charges. At the same me, the boom-hole zone is exposed to mechanical, heat and physical-chemical impact. Major impact factor is mechanical. Rock loading rate is about 104 MPa/s. With such a high-rate deformaon, the rock residual deformaon prevents fracture closing aer the pressure release.
The main component of gas-dynamic fracturing technology using wireline is GDS "Plast-BK" expendable borehole pressure generator of a unique design having no parallel. Combuson occurs simultaneously at the top and at the boom of the assembly, while maximum pressure converges at the midpoint and comes directly to the required part of a target interval.
Main Technology Components:
- Mulpurpose soware "Plast" based on the well data allows to design the generator assembly and to calculate its pressure;
- GDS "Plast-BK" can implement gas-dynamic treatment of a producve formaon by the method of converging pulses;
- High-speed pressure gauge – thermometer running in hole together with a generator confirms the calculated pressure
Technology Specific Features:
- Convergence of pressure pulses (iniang from both sides) primarily affects the target interval;
- Specified fracture pressure is achieved by less number of propellant charges due to the total effect at superposion of converging pressure pulses;
- Applicability of 4.1 Class propellant charges that reduces the cost and simplifies transportaon and storage of products in warehouses;
- Reducon of high-explosive effect on the producon casing beyond the target interval due to dynamic balancing of the generator assembly under the influence of converging pressure pulses;
- Possibility of pressure rise rate adjustment due to the use of acve and basic propellant charges;
- Scienfic approach for each treatment process, control of each well by the product developer;
- Design and impact method are protected by the patent №2645313 and №2643533.
GDS "Plast-BK" Technical Characteriscs
Parameter | Value | |
GDS name | GDS "Plast-42BK" | GDS "Plast-65BK" |
Propellant charge name |
ShG-42PP, ShGD-42PP |
ShG-65PP, ShGD-65PP |
Min dri diameter, mm | 50 | 73 |
Max allowable hydrostac pressure, MPa | 80 | |
Min allowable hydrostac pressure, MPa | 5 | |
Max allowable temperature at 2 hours hold me, °C | 150 | |
Propellant charge weight, kg | 0,9+0,05 | 2,2+0,05 |
Volume of gaseous combuson products, kg/l, not less | 700 | |
Max number of propellant charges per wireline assembly, pcs | 90 | 90 |
Total weight of propellant charges per trip on wireline, kg, not more | 16,2 | 39,6 |
Length of an interval perforated per trip on wireline at max number of propellant charges, m | 7 |
GDS "PLAST-T" TCP Borehole pressure generators
Main feature of tubing gas-dynamic fracturing technology is the use of GDS "Plast-T" hollow-carrier tubing pressure generators. GDS "Plast-T" design allows to perforate long intervals or several intervals for one round trip.
Main Technology Components
- GDS "Plast-T" hollow-carrier generator running in hole on tubing;
- "Plast" mulpurpose soware;
- High-speed pressure gauge – thermometer running in hole in a special container of KAP stand-alone device of corresponding design to confirm the calculated parameters during perforaon.
GDS "Plast-T" Advantages and Specific Features:
- Possibility of gas-dynamic fracturing operaons with the use of GDS "Plast-T" running in hole on tubing in direconal and horizontal wells including filter parts and open holes (at specified geological-engineering condions) as well as small-diameter liners with min inside diameter 79 mm;
- Possibility of perforaon of long intervals or several intervals for one round trip due to the use of ISKRA hydraulic firing heads;
- Mulpurpose propellant charges used for GDS "Plast-BK" are also used for GDS "Plast-T";
- AT-73PP small-size tubing shock-absorber is used for perforaon of long intervals and in case when max reducon of peak axial loads on tubing elements is required.
- The design is protected by the patent №2728025 RF.
GDS "Plast-T" Technical Characteriscs
Parameter | Value | |
GDS name | GDS «Plast-64T» | GDS «Plast-89T» |
Propellant charge name |
ShG-42PP, ShGD-42PP |
ShG-65PP, ShGD-65PP |
Generator full diameter, mm | 64 | 89 |
Min casing dri diameter, mm | 79 | 106 |
Max allowable hydrostac pressure, MPa | 80 | |
Min allowable hydrostac pressure, MPa | 5 | |
Max allowable temperature at 2 hours hold me, °C | 150 | |
Propellant charge weight, kg | 0,9+0,05 | 2,2+0,05 |
Specific volume of gaseous combuson products per one ShGD-PP propellant charge, kg/l, not less | 700 | |
Total area of generator gas discharge at 70 shot/m, cm2 | 219,8 | 43,6 |
Max number of propellant charges for one round trip, pcs. | 52 |